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我们承诺尽力让更多人士能获取我们网站的内容。根据《政府网页发放资料指引》,我们会尽力确保本网站的设计符合万维网联盟(World Wide Web Consortium - W3C)所制定并获国际认可的《无障碍网页内容指引》(Web Content Accessibility Guidelines - WCAG)2.0版 AA级别的要求。但由于本网站包含彩色数码地图、大量复杂的动态和与地理空间相关的地图图像数据、及进阶地图功能,因此未能提供所有该级别标准的功能,例如不依赖颜色来传递地图信息、为所有地图图像提供文字描述,及只使用键盘来操作有关控制地图的功能。



请使用Internet Explorer 11、Firefox 30、Chrome 30 或Safari 5 或以上浏览器,以及显示解析度 1280 x 720 或以上阅读浏览器(缩放比例100%),浏览此网站有更佳的效果。

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我們承諾盡力讓更多人士能獲取我們網站的內容。根據《政府網頁發放資料指引》,我們會盡力確保本網站的設計符合萬維網聯盟(World Wide Web Consortium - W3C)所制定並獲國際認可的《無障礙網頁內容指引》(Web Content Accessibility Guidelines - WCAG)2.0版 AA級別的要求。但由於本網站包含彩色數碼地圖、大量複雜的動態和與地理空間相關的地圖圖像數據、及進階地圖功能,因此未能提供所有該級別標準的功能,例如不依賴顏色來傳遞地圖資訊、為所有地圖圖像提供文字描述,及只使用鍵盤來操作有關控制地圖的功能。



請使用Internet Explorer 11、Firefox 30、Chrome 30 或Safari 5 或以上瀏覽器,以及顯示解析度 1280 x 720 或以上閱讀瀏覽器(縮放比例100%),瀏覽此網站有更佳的效果。

如瀏覽此網站時遇到任何困難或有任何建議,歡迎致電 2208 4488 或電郵至 與我們聯絡,讓我們知所改進。

Disclaimer of Geographical Information System on Hong Kong Heritage (GISH)

The information provided by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("the Government") on this website is for reference only and is not intended to be relied upon. Whilst the Government endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the information on this site, no express or implied warranty is given by the Government to the accuracy or completeness of the information on this website or its appropriateness for use in any particular circumstances.

This website also contains information input by other parties and users may link this site to other websites and obtain information provided by other parties (collectively called "the other information"). The Government expressly states that it has not approved nor endorsed the other information contained in or in connection with these websites.

The Government shall have no liability, obligation or responsibility whatsoever for any loss, destruction or damage (including without limitation consequential loss, destruction or damage) of any kind arising from or in respect of using, misusing, inability to use, or relying on the information contained in this website, its maintenance or disclosure to the public howsoever occasioned, or howsoever arising from any cause whatsoever in connection with and in consequence of the existence of this website.

The Government reserves the right and is entitled to change, alter, add, delete, suspend, revise and update all information on this website at any time at its absolute discretion without giving any reason and prior notice. The Government is not obliged to and shall not be required to keep all the information contained in this website up-to-date.

Users are responsible for making their own assessments of all information contained in or in connection with this website and are advised to verify such information by making reference to its original publication, other relevant documentation and site situation, and obtain independent advice from relevant professionals before acting on it.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, nothing on or provided via this website shall constitute, give rise to or otherwise imply any endorsement, approval or recommendation on the Government's part of any third party, be it a provider of goods or services or otherwise.

This website may provide a function for the user to add graphics and textual information on the map display (“Submitted Information”). The Government shall not have or accept any liability, obligation or responsibility whatsoever for any loss, destruction or damage (including without limitation consequential loss, destruction or damage) howsoever arising from or in respect of using, misusing, inability to use, or relying on the Submitted Information.

By browsing, contributing to, submitting or in any way using such function the users agree to accept unconditionally that (i) the submission, browse, printing or use of the Submitted Information is and will be for non-commercial and personal research and private study purposes or institutional non-commercial/ non-profit making purposes only; (ii) the concerned user shall be solely responsible for the Submitted Information to this website and the consequences arising from or in relation to the submission, browse, printing or use of the Submitted Information by himself/ herself or any other users.

Intellectual Property Rights Notice

Unless otherwise indicated, the Government is the owner of the intellectual property rights in all content available on this website (other than those added by users), including but not limited to all digital maps, text, graphics, drawings, diagrams, photographs , mapping information and compilation of data or other materials (Copyright Works). Any reproduction, adaptation, distribution, redistribution, dissemination, modification, copying, uploading, transmission, retransmission, commercial exploitation of the information, publication, or making available of such Copyright Works to the public is strictly prohibited unless prior written authorization is obtained from the Government.

Accessibility Statement

We are committed to making our web content accessible to the widest range of users possible. According to the “Guidelines on Dissemination of Information through Government Websites”, we will ensure the design of this website conform as far as possible to the requirements of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) internationally recognized Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Version 2.0 Level AA. However, as this website contains colour digital maps, huge volume of map image data with dynamic and complicated spatially interrelated contents and advanced map related functions, it is impossible to incorporate all accessibility features such as to convey the map information without relying on colours, provide text descriptions for all map images and control map functions simply using keyboards.

About This Site

This site is produced and maintained by the Antiquities and Monuments Office for viewing the information of Hong Kong heritage on top of geographic information provided by the Lands Department including digital map (as at September 2024) and photo map (as at June 2021). The digital map is updated annually.

The site is best viewed with desktop version Internet Explorer 11, Firefox 30, Chrome 30 or Safari 5 or above with 1280 x 720 resolution or above.

We are always keen to improve the accessibility of our website. Should you have any views on or experience any difficulties in accessing information on our website, please contact us at 2208 4488 or by email at

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